Generally Sonography Atlas of Dogs - Others

(Allgemeiner Sonographie-Atlas von Hunden - Sonstiges)



dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

Ultraschallbild: Hund mit einem Tumor der Nebenschilddrüse


Mit Dank an die Tierklinik am Hasenberg in Stuttgart für die freundliche Unterstützung. Copyright (c) Tierklinik am Hasenberg, Stuttgart

dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall
dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

Longitudinal (left) and transverse
(right) ultrasound images of a normal left thyroid lobe obtained with a matrix line
ar transducer at 12 MHz. Cranial is left on the longitudinal image and medial is left on the transverse image. The linear scale on the right side of each image is in centimeters. The thyroid lobe is indicated by electronic calipers. C, common carotid artery; E, esophagus; Sc, sternocephalic muscle; Sh,
sternohyoid muscle; St, sternothyroid muscle; T, trachea.

O. Taeymans, K. Peremans and J.H. Saunders

"Thyroid Imaging in the Dog: Current Status and Future Directions"

Article first published online: 28 JUN 2008

DOI: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2007.tb03008.x

dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall
dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

Longitudinal  image  of  the  left  lobe  (left  side  of  the  image)  and  transverse image  of  the  right  lobe  (right  side  of  the  image)  in a  primary  hypothyroid  Border Collie  obtained with a matrix  linear transdu
cer at  12 MHz.  Both lobes are  hypoechoic compared to the overlying sternothyroid muscles and have an inhomogeneous parenchyma. The gland has an irregular capsule on the longitudinal image and
has a rounded shape on the transverse image. The size of both lobes was reduc
ed. C, common carotid artery; E, esophagus; St, sternothyroid muscle; T, trachea.

O. Taeymans, K. Peremans and J.H. Saunders

"Thyroid Imaging in the Dog: Current Status and Future Directions"

Article first published online: 28 JUN 2008

DOI: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2007.tb03008.x

dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

Long axis ultrasound image of the left thyroid lobe of a dog (small arrows). The ventral aspect of the neck is at the top of the image, and the cranial pole of the thyroid is to the left. A 3-4 mm hypoechoic mass is seen associated with the cranial pole of the thyroid (large arrow). Moderate farfield  enhancement  is also seem deep to the lesion.


Erik R. Wisner, "Clincal Vignette", Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, Vol8. No 3 (May-June), 1994: pp 244-245


dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

(a) Longitudinal section of the right thyroid lobe in a euthyroid dog. The echotexture of the thyroid gland (*) was hyperechoic in
comparison with the adjacent sternothyroid muscle (1).

dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

(b) Longitudinal section of the left thyroid lobe in a thyroglobulin autoantibody–
positive (TgAA-positive) hypothyroid dog. The echotexture of the thyroid  gland  (*)  was  hypoechoic  in  comparison  with  the  adjacent  sternothyroid  muscle  (1)

dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

(c) Longitudinal  section  of  the  left  thyroid
gland  (*)  in  a  TgAA-negative  hypothyroid  dog.  The  echotexture  of the  thyroid  gland  was  heterogeneous  with  a  hypoechoic  background interrupted by hyperechoic lines and spots.


Reese, S., Breyer, U., Deeg, C., Kraft, W. and Kaspers, B. (2005), "Thyroid Sonography as an Effective Tool to Discriminate between Euthyroid Sick and Hypothyroid Dogs". Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 19: 491–498. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2005.tb02717.x


dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

Transversal plane of the left thyroid lobe in a euthyroid male beagle. The maximal cross sectional area (MCSA) of the thyroid gland (*) and of the sternothyroid muscle (1) were marked by dotted lines. 1, trachea; 2, esophagus; 3, left common carotid artery.


Reese, S., Breyer, U., Deeg, C., Kraft, W. and Kaspers, B. (2005), "Thyroid Sonography as an Effective Tool to Discriminate between Euthyroid Sick and Hypothyroid Dogs". Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 19: 491–498. doi: 10.1111/j.1939-1676.2005.tb02717.x