Generally Sonography Atlas of Dogs

(Allgemeiner Sonographie-Atlas von Hunden)

Muscoskeletal System - Radius

(Muskoskelettales System - Radius)

dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall
dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall
dog ultrasonography ultrasound / hund sonographie ultraschall

Conventional ultrasonography on color Doppler mode (A) and contrast enhanced ultrasonography on harmonic detection mode (B) of radius. Region of interest placed over the muscle on contrast enhanced ultrasonography and time‒intensity curves (C). The muscle area had a typical parabolic curve, which consisted of inflow, outflow and peak intensity.

Juyeon OH, Sunghoon JEON, and Jihye CHOI

J Vet Med Sci. 2015 Jul; 77(7): 783–788.
Published online 2015 Mar 6. doi:  10.1292/jvms.14-0328